In the early morning of September 10, 2016, after having fallen back asleep at 4:30 am, I had one of those very vivid early morning dreams. I was going to a mall to buy some jeans. For some reason, I stopped first at a movie theater. I stood in line and when I got to the window, the man said, “I have only three tickets left, one for a single and two for an individual and their equal partner.” I decided to go on to the jeans store. On the way, I saw my mother. She smiled and said, “Hello, Judy, I have a surprise.” Then Jean stepped forward, smiling and looking young and beautiful. She said, “Hello, Judy” in EXACTLY HER VOICE (I could hear it so vividly). I was puzzled and amazed, and we hugged. I could feel her body in my arms so vividly. I looked at mom for an explanation and she shrugged. Then they both evaporated away, Jean just slowly vanished from my arms, and I woke up crying. I called Dan and he came and held me while I cried and told him the dream. He said I got to be with them for a few seconds. At first that didn’t make me feel better, but now it does.
I think this is my first dream of Jean. It is certainly the first one that was this vivid and in which she spoke to me -- and I could HEAR her and I could FEEL her. I was going to the “jeans store” and Jean’s birthday will be in two days. She would have been 70. Oh, I miss her!